
We live with a monster.
She screams pretty much all day long.
She's a bully.
She hits kids who are older than she is who are trying to help her.
She throws things you try to give her to soothe her.
She swats food off her high chair tray with an angry blow.
She has four chins.
She's short and chubby.
And her name is Lucy. She wants what she wants when she wants it. The trouble is that she can't communicate what that is, so she gets MAD. I think she may be our most stubborn kid yet, and that's saying a lot. Her tantrums result in throwing herself back on the floor with no regard to where her poor head will hit...sometimes really hard. She'll kiss everyone in the family but me when it's time for bed. Sometimes I think she does have more communication than we give her credit for, she's just too darn strong-willed to let us in on it.

But then there'll be a lucky serendipitous moment where you'll do something that will delight her. And right then the sun'll come out on her little face, the dimples will show up on her chubby cheeks, and her delighted grin will change around any frustration you have with her, and all is suddenly right and bright in the world again. For three minutes. Then inevitably something makes her mad again. And boy howdy she lets us know it.We'll still keep her...I mean, look at could we not? Monster or not, we adore this child with all our hearts. The majority of fights in our family revolve around who gets to sit by her in the car.

We'll keep her because miraculously those three to five minutes of brightness out of the day make up for all the monster stuff the rest of the least in my book.

Dave may disagree...
If you see a want-ad in the paper begging for someone to take her away from us, take it with a grain of salt. He's a softie and she loves him best of all of us so it'll all work out...some day.
