Ok, so get your mouse ready to scroll through a boat load of pictures because this is what we've been up to lately...and anyone who knows me knows that I don't go many minutes without taking pictures.
Sorry there's no order to these pictures...the internet is way too slow.
Our annual sand mermaid with our great friends the Zaharises who came to visit:

My cousin's darling new baby.
My other cousin's daughter (aka, one of Elle's new best friends...they had so much fun together.)
Another cousin's sweet little girl.
My aunt's dog...now our kids are even more convinced that we HAVE to get a dog because Lucy LOVES them more than you can ever imagine.
Check out those power thighs.
Our cousins brought up their whizbang boat and "surfing" gear which Max was all over. I was so proud of him and how hard he tried to get up...and did it!

Check out that look of sheer determination.
My other cousin's daughter.

Lots of bug-catching.
Motorcycle rides with Uncle Jo.
Dress-ups with cousins.
Sunset after sunset.

The horses.
Serious tennis lessons from Grandfather.

Grandfather gives the best tractor rides...

...and sailboat rides.

More sunsets.
...and horseback rides.

We love these friends and cousins.

Serious tantrums...the sand doesn't stop her.

Max is pretty proud that we let him drive this glamorous beach car. Lucky kid.Labels: Bear Lake