Tuesday Night Swim Club

The whole family joined us for Tuesday Night Swim Club last week
(it's usually just Max, Elle & I).

And our pool isn’t that big.

There were legs flailing everywhere while trying to do our 100 laps.

We were like salmon swimming upstream

...in the midst of trying to make sure Lu didn’t jump in off the side.

We swallowed gallons of water as everyone splashed around every which way.

Race swim contests going on the sidelines,

Grace begging for us to watch her new techniques,

Claire pleased as punch that she got to stay up.

This week it was just us again:

Max, Elle and me.

Quiet and calm except for our gentle splashing,

as I flailed around with my amateur breaststroke,

and my kids glided through the water with their skilled swim team strokes.

All of us in the warm darkness of a desert night,

bathed in the warm glow of the evening lights filtering softly out the windows of our house.

Would I take it like it was last week or this?
I think I'd take both.

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