doctor apts.

Note to self:

Doctor appointments with this girl are not fun.
Oh wait, I already knew that.

I just thought that maybe she'd grown out of the screaming-while-the-doctor-is-trying-to-tell-you-super-important-stuff thing.

I was wrong.

I actually think I'm pretty ok at the art of distraction, but Lu out-does my skills by leaps and bounds in the art of "I-want-what-I-want-when-I-want-it-and-I-do-not-want-a-random-doctor-touching-me."

Despite the screaming I did convince Claire's doctor (through tears) on Tuesday to help me get to the bottom of her issues with another test, and in Lu's appt. this morning I understood enough through the doctor's thick accent mingled with Lucy throwing herself about while wailing that we've found a pretty good new endocrinologist...and that we'll be getting a nutritionist.

So, I guess it was all worth it.

The doctors and nurses with their ears still ringing may have a different opinion...

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