My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.
The house is clean, loads and loads and loads of laundry are washed, folded, put away. Meals are sort of planned out. All the places the kids need to get to and from while I'm gone are listed out for Dave. Love notes sit waiting for my kids and husband to find them when they're ready for bed tonight (you'd think I was leaving for a year rather than for one single day). I have an outfit packed that will most probably hide my splotchy nervous neck when I get up to talk in front of 1,700 people in the morning with my Mom.
I'd be fine, sitting here sipping on some lemonade (my Mom is an excellent public speaker and she can nudge me if I get shell-shocked or revive me on the stage if I faint) except for one problem:
My Mother is missing.
I'm sure she'll turn up, but it's making me a little nervous that I haven't heard from her yet.
You see, she and my Dad have been gone for a month on a speaking tour all over places like Kuwait, Beirut and Saudi Arabia, and she's supposed to be arriving in Utah within minutes after my flight lands there tonight.
I was all hunky dory with that until Dave had the audacity to ask me on our date the other night what I would do if she didn't make it back in time. He reminded me she's coming in directly from India. Then he kindly reassured me that I'd do just fine without her.
But a sick feeling started building up in my stomach. Although India is among my top two places I'd love to travel, from what I gather the flights may not be exactly running like clockwork.
So let's all cross our fingers and say a little prayer that she'll arrive safe and sound tonight so that I won't be standing there like a deer in the headlights in the morning!
I really am excited.Labels: me, Mom