first annual vision walk

After four and a half tantrums from Lucy (didn't she know we were doing this for her??) we arrived at our first vision walk bright and early. The kids decided we needed to have our matching t-shirts from our reunion a few years ago for two reasons: 1) they are the color of Lucy's eyes, and 2) they have a picture of an eye on them.
(They were shortly replaced by our new "vision walk" t-shirts but that was ok because they were Lucy's favorite color.) It was a gorgeous day. (Thanks for the picture, Elle.)
Our dear friends (the "M" family) joined us which was fitting since they are Lucy's favorite people in the whole wide world.
The kids enjoyed the bounce houses while we tried to get to know a few people there over the super loud band. Then we walked three miles in laps around the park. SLOW laps.

But it was such a great way to feel involved. Over 500 people showed up and I think the $80,000 goal was reached. We (the "I Love Lucy" team) reached our own goal too (thanks in large part from royalties from our book).Little did I ever know a couple years ago we'd be racing for a cure to blindness for one of our own precious kids. I had no idea in my blissful ignorance that organizations like the Foundation for Fighting Blindness exist. And now we are hanging on to them with as much might as we can muster up hoping for a bright future for Lu.

So, thank you FFB. And thanks "M" family. And thanks Mother Dear for coming all the way down for this. We are so grateful!

p.s. My sweet cyber-friend-who-is-very-inspiring-and-who-I-must-meet-in-person-some-day is doing A Mother's Book of Secrets book give-away today over here (thank you Sarah!!). If you are new to this blog and want more info. about the book click here.
