Family Fun Night

Last Friday night was Family Fun Night at our elementary school.

I want to remember that it was a magical night.

Nothing exceptional happened. Just the regulars:

We lost all our kids at one point or another.

The music was blaring so loud we couldn't hear each other talking.

Lucy's diaper was super soggy all night (I forgot to bring extras) and she got stuck in one of those giant jumpy things while Dave and I were talking to the principal. They had to announce over the loud speaker for her neglectful parents to come get their screaming child (they didn't really say the neglectful part out loud but I could hear it in the tone).

I became, as usual, a human collect-all. By the end of the night I was holding two water bottles, an almost empty soda can, two ziploc bags holding some serious treasures (live goldfish). Lucy's game bracelet, some trinkets the kids won, my point and shoot camera and my phone. (Yeah, you'd think I'd have some sort of bag, but we rode bikes so I just sort of thought I'd wing it.)

But it was a magical night because I noticed the moments that it consisted of:

The sun being at the perfect slant that it created halos around Grace and Claire's hair as it whipped up around them as they rode their bikes in front of me.
The way Claire's bike went clickety-clack in front of mine and how I hadn't realized before that she can stand up while pedaling and play the "kick-the-garbage-cans-on-the-way-down-the-street-as-you-ride" game with Grace.I loved observing Elle's giant smile and the way she interacted with her friends.

And Grace's drenched but triumphant smile after getting dunked in the dunking well as the jubilant expression shining from her face while basking in the attention from Elle's friends when they all encircled her in awe that she actually got dunked.

Lucy's proud smile after she finally successfully maneuvered her way through a big, blow-up obstacle thing (the time when Dave and I were responsibly watching).

Dave's sun-kissed face coming through the crowd wearing his crisp white shirt and a smile (he was a little late coming from work).

The wind whipping through our hair as we rode our bikes home.

The pure joy that comes with having a new pet...even if it's just a goldfish (more on that later).

Yes, it was a magical night.

The only thing that would have made it better is if Max would have been there...but he got to go to a movie with friends after football practice so I'm sure his night was just as magical in it's own way.

I realized I need to make more nights magical like that. And that I can change how flustered I get about all the "to-dos" swirling around in my head. Just a little change of attitude from me makes all the difference.