life lately

My brother and his wife came to visit from NYC. We took them out for some authentic Mexican food and LOVED catching up with them.
Does that sunset look fake or what? The sky is so gorgeous here in the desert.

They came to Elle's tennis tournament with us and we soaked in the faint crispness that is starting to seep into the oven of hot air around here.
We had to celebrate with frozen yogurt when we were done.

Although she didn't knock our socks off with her performance on the tennis court, Elle sure knows how to pile up those balls.
Claire has taken it upon herself to make a photographic journey of her life. She has taken over my small camera. Some day we will have hours upon hours of video/photo coverage of that girl and random snipets of our family life as she walks around recording things.
Maybe I should go through it all to see how much yelling she has from me on record...

Lucy waiting for the bus:
We never know quite what we're going to get each morning with that girl...sometimes it's all smiles and laughing, and other mornings we can't quite crack that scowl.

Elle took this picture:
I think it's beautiful.

Lucy LOVES her green smoothies:
That girls "drinks" a LOT of spinach.

Elle has taken it upon herself to personally keep her mother organized. She writes me little notes all the time to keep me on task (she knows me well enough to know I need them).

She even reminds me to get some sleep, since I don't do that very often. This was on my computer the other night:
Grace is gradually growing out of her obsession with wearing bracelets up to her elbows. I couldn't be happier.

Max unpicked all these badges he accidentally instructed me to sew on the wrong side of his sash thingy. Now he's all situated again.
Seriously, if a woman was in charge of scouts all those things would be self adhesive. And life would be SO much easier.

Lu really is turning into a "big girl" (albeit one who throws a whole slew of tantrums, but is potty trained). (Please excuse the blurry picture.) We had to write it up on our chalk board because we are all quite proud of her. She is even dry most nights and now finally will use the facilities on her own accord without us setting the good old timer for her. Man alive I can't even say how thankful I am for that.

Elle finally has reached what she would call her "glory days" where she gets to be a "Young Woman" at church. One of the greatest benefits in her mind:...baptisms for the dead. I swear it was more exciting to her than going to the moon would be. She was beaming the night my friend and I took her for her first time along with her friend.

Grace and Claire have started up gymnastics at this whiz-bang place:
It equals the excitement Elle has for Young Women. Boy howdy do they ever perk up when it's time to go to gymnastics.

Grace & Claire participated in our ward talent show with their friends (surprise, surprise ...seriously those girls can't get enough of much that sometimes I have to wonder how in the world they could be related to me).
Dave's toenail loss tally is now up to four. And I think a fifth is in the process...only two more weeks 'til he can sit around and eat Doritos.

I remembered to put on make-up yesterday after two days of forgetting. I'm losing it. Because of my mind-loss, my kids sometimes look at me like this:
But life is good, despite the mind loss, toenail losses and tantrums. It only reached a high of 97 degrees the other day. I wore a sweater. Yes, life is good.

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