This week has been a little nutty.
But then it sure seems like it's always nutty over here.
I picked up my Mother-in-Law at the airport a couple weeks ago and when she asked how I was doing I told her the regular: "as soon as I get organized things will calm down." (That's my personal little pep talk I give to myself over and over again.) Then she gave me a little important golden nugget of information: it'll never happen.
Not that she doesn't believe in me because I know she totally does, but she wanted to help remind me that life just doesn't slow down. Something I know, yet keep having be sliced up a big dose of reality to remind myself.
I just need to live in the crazy and enjoy every second of it.
So I am.
Except when I can't quite keep my head above water.
I really do love the journey. They whole thing. Maybe not so much in the very moment of trying to get urine samples from a four-year-old and having five people telling me important things at the same time, but more in the moments of finding Claire and Lucy curled up together for bedtime stories, Claire's monotone first-grade reading voice mingling in with Lucy saying "Claire, I love you." in the middle of the story.
Yes, I do love the journey. Here are a couple random photos of happenings around here:
My handsome biker husband.
Next time I'll take a picture of his back-side.
The tooth fairy finally made her debut.
Lest you think five dollars is too much for a tooth, rest assured that these bills are payments for three teeth each (a total of SIX) that all lay patiently under pillows for over four months. Serious. We have a lazy tooth fairy but she's pretty generous when she finally shows up.
We did the big 5:00 a.m. baptisms at the temple thing with these beauty girls for Young Women.
We had Mother/Daughter book club again.
People always ask me for more details about this one. The girls just take turns picking a book and hosting. They are in charge of any activities to help discuss the chosen book. This one was particularly fancy because our host hosted it at a restaurant instead of at her house.
Good friends.
Good heart-attacks. (Gotta love those Young Women...)
We like 'em. And we spent the whole President's Day weekend with 'em...sleepovers and get-togethers galore. I'm so grateful to live close to these great examples for my children (and their great-example-parents for me).
Lucy's snow day:
I remember when we lived in Virginia right outside Washington, D.C. we had serious "snow days." Even if it was only a little teeny drizzle it was a big to-do. Everyone stock piled groceries, and school was canceled.
Well, here in the desert they have to truck the snow in so that these kids can know what the heck snow IS! Lu didn't get too into it until her big sister showed up during her recess to enjoy it with her.

I love when my in-laws come to town. They are so good to us. We had FHE together this week and they brought dinner.
Not pictured are things like church meetings and sitting in on an hour-long conference call with the Foundation Fighting Blindness this morning listening to what sounded like a foreign language all about gene therapy and all the scientific, hopeful-yet-still-out-of-reach research going on right now. Feeling like I have oceans-full of information to try to understand. Having my parents come visit to be here for a special award I received (more on that later). Getting kids to orthodontist appointments on the different sides of the city (yes we have two different orthodontists). Missing school performances because I was five minutes late and having my heart break because of it. Staying up too late. Did I mention church meetings??
I'll try to add more pictures later but for now I must go enjoy the journey of my nutty life here in the desert with the six people I adore more than anything else in the world.
p.s. I know I am cheesy.Labels: happenings