heart attack

For FHE this week we did our traditional home-heart-attack.We took the job very seriously.
(Lucy claims she works better with her shirt off.)
Yes, very serious.
We had to add in a little Just Dance 2 on the side, because hey, we gotta have some fun in with all that seriousness.
These kids were cracking Dave and I up...have I mentioned how much I love Just Dance 2??

Apparently Lucy dances better without her shirt on too...

(These little girls all just came from gymnastics...they don't usually wear leotards to FHE.)

Then we read each heart as we stuck them up on the walls as each child glowed with delight when we announced what everyone else loves about them.

(And as a side note...I am trying to be "present" with my family right now so please forgive me for posting these somehow-blurry-in-the-transfer-from-Lightroom-to-blog pictures....you get the idea, right?)I have to agree, Elle, I love our family too.
