Mother's Day give-away

You know this book that I talked about back here?
Well, the publisher has given me TEN books to give-away. And I'm not even kidding at all about that little fact.

So, here's the deal: Leave a comment for a chance to win. If you want two chances to win, click here and "like" my parents' site on Facebook and then come back and leave another comment that you did just that. (They are just starting to take Values Parenting into cyberspace so they only have this Joy School page so far, but check out too...SO much good parenting info. there!)

For a THIRD chance to win (and this one is more in depth but just thought I'd throw it out there since I get ten books to give away), I want to just make people aware of my parent's other book that is coming out in September. I seriously cannot wait. I think it's something we all need. It generated a bunch of enthusiasm when I wrote about it back here and made me realize that others feel the exact same way I do: kids in this generation tend to feel entitled to so much more than what's good for them...and we're unknowingly training them to feel that way.) You know what's so great about this book? We can pre-order it! And it'd be awesome to get tons of people pre-ordering. Read more about how to pre-order and why they are trying to get people to pre-order here. Then if you do end up pre-ordering a book (pre-orders get a 33 percent discount), then come back and enter one more comment for another chance to win. No, I'm not getting paid for this (although maybe I should :) I just really, really believe in what this book is going to tell us!

I will pick TEN winners on Thursday morning so that there still MIGHT be time to get it in time for Mother's Day (unfortunately I can't promise anything, darn it). Because seriously, who wouldn't want this book for Mother's Day? SO many great ideas enclosed in that little puppy.

Good luck!

This give-away is now closed. See the winners here. Thanks for entering!
