March little things

Some day I will get cooking and post some more stuff for my "Thursday recipes" of the last couple weeks we are surviving on spaghetti and meals brought to us from kind, sweet people who have had mercy on us with this move.

For now let's talk about March.  Cause it was a great, full, event-packed month that I want to remember.  I already wrote about most of the big stuff, but here are some "little things" I missed.

Lu is wrapping up her second soccer season.  She's pleased as punch that she's an actual soccer player.

Melted my heart to see this tweet from Max when Dave and I were out of town:
We still can't really get all the details about that...I think her teammates were really sweet and helped her get that goal cause she wanted it so bad.  She was over-the-moon excited about that thing.

Love watching these girls bake in the sun to try to kick that ball down the field:

The Cultural Celebration came and went.  
 Much more about that back HERE.

 The temple dedication came and went.
 More about that over HERE.

Dave got to live out a life-long dream:
Soooo happy for him.

Maybe I already posted this but I spent some quality time here trying to take care of allergies:

Our cute friends visited from China.
(More about them back HERE.)

Elle did some more photo shoots:
(that one is straight out of her camera.  Is that light gorgeous or what?)

We've spent some good times here:

I almost hesitate to even write about this because I feel so darn spoiled about it, but Dave and I got to go on a storybook trip with all the adults in my family.
Someday when I get through the thousands of pictures I took I will post them because it's something I never want to forget.

The "Run for Travis" thing was amazing.  Soooo sad for my sweet friend who lost her husband, and so happy she got so much support on this day.

We've been on poor Max's case a bunch in the last month.  It's hard to be the oldest and only boy sometimes and it's hard for the parents to parent their first and worry about college and future.

So I loved catching realized mid-lecture that he needed a little "finger initial" TLC.
 (More on what the finger initial talent thing is click HERE.)

The girls and I went to the Conference Women's broadcast together...then met up with a lot of other girls and some moms for dinner after.
More on how the younger girls get to come HERE, and here:

To listen click HERE.

Oh how I love those wonderful messages.

We got soft carpet installed in the new house.
 ...and Max does luckily fit under his new shower head :)

Grace's friend was in town so these girls went and did baptisms at the temple one night to celebrate.

Elle's cousin had a birthday.  It's our tradition to go out to breakfast when that happens...whether or not there's school.
Love dates with this girl.

Great to have family join us at the games when they can.

Lucy likes to write notes to her teachers during sacrament meeting before she heads to her class at church.  I thought this one was particularly funny:
Funny and maybe a little scary that she's obviously having an internal battle about sugar. 

Max asked a cute girl to prom.

The asking part was kind of a family affair.  We baked a huge cookie and put the letters of his name wrapped up in tinfoil in the dough before it baked.

See that little thing?
We put those in and covered them up.
The crazy thing is that Dave and Max accidentally dropped it off late one the wrong house!

Max said it was weird because the girl didn't say anything at school the next day.

...and the next.

So finally Dave texted her dad who said nothing was ever delivered.  And only then, three days later, did we find out the poor girl never got the stuff.

Luckily the people who owned the house where it was accidentally dropped off had just left it out there on their porch.  I'm sure the cookie wasn't too fabulous by the time it was dropped on the right doorstep, but they said the flowers still looked good :)

On to April!